SDoH Indicator Pilot

Questions marked with a * are required
Thank you for your interest in designating your class as course that teaches the social determinants of health. Not only is this an important part of our QEP, it is an essential learning outcome for students graduating from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. 

Please respond to the fields below to submit your course for SDoH designation review. Once submitted, this information will be reviewed by the QEP committee and submitted to the college for approval to add this course for SDoH recognition. If you have any questions about this form or about the UTHSC QEP: Community Engaged Care (CEC), please contact Charles Snyder at 

Contact Information 
Department or Program Name
Course Prefix
Course Number
SDH Student Learning Outcomes
Select AT LEAST ONE AND NO MORE THAN THREE student-learning outcomes (SLOs) from the nine listed below. The SLOs chosen should best reflect the pedagogy addressed in the course.
Develop knowledge of the Social Determinants of Health

Students will be able to: 
Please select any topics that are taught in this course
Briefly describe the project/assignment that is used to evaluate the selected outcome(s).
Please attach a course syllabus below
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To identify how course(s) will impact the development of our students’ learning around social determinants of health, it is important to collect a product of student learning from each course, for example – an assignment or project that addresses the outcomes checked above. Please submit examples of this if they are available for your course. 

If these items are not yet available, or you need assistance with creating or collecting evidence of student learning in these areas, the CEC Director and the CEC Curriculum Review Council are available to assist you. 
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We are currently in the pilot phase of this project and your feedback will be very important to the final product. The CEC team is committed to making the process of submitting this work as efficient and easy as possible. If we are missing the mark, or you have any comments or suggestions about this process, please share below. 
Thank you for participating in Community Engaged Care. This form will be processed by CEC and routed to colleges and departments for final approval. 

Your efforts to support Community Engaged Care are an essential element of the program and we greatly appreciate your participation. Thank you for making a difference on our campus and in the community. 
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